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Planting Seeds for a Brighter Future for Children in Foster Care.

Founded in 2016, Fostering Hope offers physical and emotional support to Oklahoma children awaiting placement in a foster home. Our #bagfullofhope program, Fostering Hope Respite Center, and To-Go Birthdays validate and help removed children feel valued and seen. Our F. H. Teen Board trains Oklahoma area youth in effective leadership and service. Fostering Hope envisions a future where families, community members, and child service agencies join hands to care for children in the child welfare system.


 Thank you to our 2024 Teen Board for giving insight into our impact.


Our Programs


Fostering hope house

We have expanded our services next door to include the Fostering Hope House!  Eliminating extended waiting at DHS offices, this facility offers a safe and friendly place to await placement. Bathing facilities, Kitchen, and Respite Space makes a traumatic time less frightening, and more comfortable for children.

Birthday boxes

Our mission is to celebrate the pure magic of a child’s birthday and spread happiness along with it. Our birthday boxes include a wrapped age appropriate new bday gift, birthday cake and birthday party supplies, an outfit and a stuffed animal.

#Bag Full of Hope

When a child is removed from home, they are given a trash bag to gather their possessions, which are typically little to nothing. We are ending the term “trash bag” kids by providing each child with a backpack full of everything they need. This includes a duffle, backpack, or diaper bag with seven days of clothing, a handmade card, new socks, underwear, pajamas, shoes, bed sheets and handmade pillowcases, toiletries, a bible, book, and toy and/or game.


 The Fostering Hope Teen Board represents outstanding students from local high schools who have a passion to serve and help children in the foster care system. Students that participate in our Teen Board will participate in leadership training, fundraising events, and volunteer service hours while learning meaningful life lessons too.


We support children from 50 counties and growing throughout Oklahoma.


Our Mission

Fostering Hope is a nonprofit organization founded by Oklahoma citizens with a desire to aid children when they are placed in foster care.

Read More


Our Impact

When a foster family opens their home and takes in a child the state stipend to meet basic needs takes 2 weeks to 2 months.

Foster children come with a trash bag containing their belongings. (When the children are removed from their homes, it is what they can quickly stuff in a trash bag. Clothes, favorite toys, books, and even treasured keepsakes are left behind-sometimes forever.)

Our goal for Fostering Hope is to bridge the gap between a child’s placement and the pending state stipend. Each child receives seven days of clothing, essential toiletries (appropriate for each age), new underwear, and socks. Partnering with our community and our state these previously “trash bag” children are valued and validated. They feel special because they are.



With your support, we have served over 50 counties and thousands of children since 2016!



Bags full of hope given to children









to-Go Birthdays


served at FH House




Oklahoma Counties served


Thank you so much Yaffe Iron & Metal!!!


Get Involved

We believe every foster child deserves hope and to have their immediate needs met. With the help of our community and Oklahoma, we can do just that. Our goal is to ensure children are no longer referred to as Trash Bag Kids. Fostering Hope empowers children who have previously felt powerless.


Learn more about us

Read more about the heart and faces behind Fostering Hope, and how your support has impacted foster kids through testimonials from foster mom’s and dad’s.

Volunteer or sponsor

For those of you that want to do more, we are always looking for volunteers or new ideas on how we can serve foster children in need! Please reach out to us!

Make a Donation

Your donation helps Fostering Hope & Fostering Hope House operate and serve those most vulnerable - our foster children. With your donation, we are able to help each child feel valued and validated.